Certification body for product certification
Accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
Contact Persons
Ing. Róbert Kovács
The director of the company, the representative of the authorized / notified body and the head of the accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
E-mail: kovacs@vuis-cesty.sk
Mobil: +421 911 286 123
Ing. Adrián Fonód, PhD.
Deputy director and authorized / notified body, technical manager of the accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
E-mail: fonod@vuis-cesty.sk
Mobil: +421 903 241 552
Ing. Róbert Kovács
The director of the company, the representative of the authorized / notified body and the head of the accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
E-mail: kovacs@vuis-cesty.sk
Mobil: +421 911 286 123
Ing. Adrián Fonód, PhD.
Deputy director and authorized / notified body, technical manager of the accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
E-mail: fonod@vuis-cesty.sk
Mobil: +421 903 241 552
Certificate of accreditation no. P-061
Certificate of accreditation No. P-061 dated: 14.08.2023
The accredited body shall demonstrate its competence to carry out the accredited acitivies in an impartial and trustworthy manner be meeting the requirements of the standard ISO/IEC 17065: 2012.
Annex to the Decision on the Certificate of Accreditation No.P-061
Annex to the Decision No. 020/10721/2023/1 and to Certificate of Accreditation No. P-061 dated: 14.08.2023:
Annex to the Decision No. 020/10721/2023/1 and to Certificate of Accreditation No. P-061 dated: 14.08.2023:
Scope of accreditation
Certification of conformity of the production management system according to CPR
Certification of conformity of the production management system according to CPR is performed by VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. as Notified Person No. 1480 for products that require assessment and verification of the immutability of parameters by the 2+ system.
Certification of conformity of the production management system according to CPR is performed by VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. as Notified Person No. 1480 for products that require assessment and verification of the immutability of parameters by the 2+ system.
The notified body shall issue a certificate of conformity of the production management system to the manufacturer on the basis of an initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and the production management system.
Initial inspection on interim surveillance procedure
The initial inspection or interim surveillance procedure starts with the receipt of the application (form for downolad) and continues with the conclusion of the certification contract.
The initial inspection or interim surveillance procedure starts with the receipt of the application (form for downolad) and continues with the conclusion of the certification contract.
Certification of conformity of the production management system according to the law No. 133/2013 Z. z.
Certification of conformity of the production management system according to the law No. 133/2013 Z. z. is carried out by VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. as an authorized person SK09.
Certification is carried out for product groups for which the company is authorised.
Certification of conformity of the production management system according to the law No. 133/2013 Z. z. is carried out by VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. as an authorized person SK09.
Certification is carried out for product groups for which the company is authorised.
The authorised person shall issue a SK certificate of conformity of the management system to the manufacturer
on the basis of an initial inspection or the production plant and the production management system.
on the basis of an initial inspection or the production plant and the production management system.
The initial inspection or intermediate surveillance procedure shall start upon receipt of the request
(downloadable form) and continues with the concluison of the certification contract.
(downloadable form) and continues with the concluison of the certification contract.
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