Accredited certification body
Accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS - CESTY, spol. s r. o. (Current Notification Certificate)
Ing. Róbert Kovács
director of the company, representative of the authorized / notified person and head of the accredited Certification Body for product certification VUIS - CESTY, spol. s r.o.
Mobil: +421 911 286 123
Ing. Adrián Fonód, PhD.
deputy Director and Authorized / Notified Person, Technical Manager of the accredited Body for product Certification VUIS - CESTY, spol. s r.o.
Mobil: +421 903 241 552
The current notification certificate No. NO 1480 entered into force on 26.08.2022
and an annex to the certificate, specifying the scope of activities, shall form an integral part thereof.
and an annex to the certificate, specifying the scope of activities, shall form an integral part thereof.