Development of standards and regulations
Development of standards and regulations
Ing. Róbert Kovács
Director and managing director of the company, representative of authorized / notified person, head of the accredited certification body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
Mobil: +421 911 286 123
Member of Technical Commission:
Ing. Róbert Kovács
- TK 123 Production, testing of concrete and fabrication of concrete structures
Ing. Adrián Fonód, PhD.
Deputy Director, Authorized / Notified person, Technical manager of an Accredited Product Certification Body VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
Mobil: +421 903 241 552
Member of the Technical Commission:
Ing. Adrián Fonód, PhD.
- TK 94 Road construction
Activities in technical committees
Ing. Michaela Sláviková
Environmental and Quality Manager
Mobil: +421 940 948 800
Member of Technical commission:
Ing. Michaela Sláviková
- TK 75 Stone and aggregates
Research activities
Mgr. Adriana Czímerová, PhD.
Research scientist / Senior Researcher
Mobil: +421 903 606 142
Research scientist / Senior Researcher:
Mgr. Adriana Czímerová, PhD.
- Research Activities - focused on new materials and technologies for road construction are continously reflected in technical regulations - technical conditions, technical-qualitative conditions and material catalogue sheets, which are solved by expert entities on the basis of orders from the Slovak Road Administration.
- Technical Specifications (TP) - Use of gritting materials for winter road maintenance (November / 2021)
- Analysis Task (RÚ) - Analysis of the possibility of using asphalt mixtures in road tunnels from the point of view of their fire safety (November / 2021)
VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o., cooperates closely with the Officier for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic.
Participation in committees, research activities and links to construction organisations
in the field of road construciton is applied in the elaboration of new national techcnical standards (STN) as well their revised versions. Our employeers are also actively involved in the process of translation of European Standards (EN).
Do not hesitate to contact us.
VUIS - CESTY, spol. s r.o.
Translations of European standards, we have collaborated on
TNI CEN/TR 17499
- Bitumen and bituminous binders. Examples for CE Marking and Declaration of Performances (DoP)
STN EN 12697-30
- Bituminous mixtures. Test methods. Part 30: Specimen preparation by impact compactor
STN EN 12697-26
- Bituminous mixtures. Test methods. Part 26: Stiffness
STN EN 12697-5
- Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for hot mix asphalt. Part 5: Determination of maximum density
STN EN 13877-3
- Concrete pavements. Part 3: Specifications for dowels to be used in concrete pavements
STN EN 13108-1
- Bituminous mixtures. Material specification. Part 1: Asphalt Concrete
STN EN 13108-2
- Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications. Part 2: Asphalt Concrete for very thin layers
STN EN 13108-5
- Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications. Part 5: Stone Mastic Asphalt
STN EN 13108-8
- Bituminous mixtures. Material specifications. Part 8: Reclaimed asphalt
STN EN 13108-20
- Bituminous mixtutres. Material specifications. Part 20: Type testing
Technical regulations
Research activities focused on new materials and technologies for road construction are continuosly reflexted in technical regulations - technical conditions, technical-qualitative conditions and material catalogue sheets, which are solved by expert entities on the basis of orders from the Slovak Road Administration.
These regulations are valid for constructions falling within the sphere of competence of the Slovak Road Administration and the National Motorway Company, a. s. Since 2004 they have been approved and issued by the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Develompent of the Slovak Republic.
They are available free of charge on the SSC website ( and are used by a wide range of designers, inverstors, contractors, building inspectors and other professionals working in the field.
VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o., is actively involved in the process of development of new technical regulations as well as in the process of their revision on the basis of the RVT task plans, prepared annually at the Slovak Road Administration.
Overview of technical regulations developed:
Technical and quantitative conditions (TKP) 6
- Compacted asphalt mixtures - revision
Technical-Quality Specifications (TKP) 7
- Cast asphalt - revision
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Company activities