VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o. is an independent professional company operating in the construction industry, which has been providing its services to customers since 1991. The company's goal is to offer comprehensive services while observing the principles of equal access, impartiality and confidentiality.
Contact person
Ing. Róbert Kovács
Director and executive of the company,
representative of the authorized / notified person,
head of the accredited Certification body for the product certification
VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o
Ing. Adrián Fonód, PhD.
Mgr. Lukáš Fertáľ
Ing. Juraj Oreský, PhD.
Deputy director,
Authorized / Notified person,
Technical manager of the accredited Certification Body for product certification,
VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o
Head of the testing
Head of the proficiency
test organizer
Certification, research, testing, diagnostics and legislation in the construction industry
• activities related to the asessment and verification of the constancy of the parameters of construction products
(NO 1480, AO SK09)
• verification of new road building materials, construction and road construction technologies
• diagnostics of roads, tests of materials in an accredited laboratory
• departmental regulations of MDV SR, standardization activities
Authorization certificate with registration number SK09
The current authorization certificate entered into force on 26.08.2022
• The scope of the authorization is specified in detail in the appendix to the certificate, which is an integral part of it • Authorization certificate
Notification certificate issued by the Ministry of Construciton and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic with identification number 1480
The current certificate of notification has become effective on 26.8.2022
• its integral part is the appendix to the certificate, in which the scope of activities is specified • Notification certificate
Accredited certification body for product certification VUIS – CESTY, spol. s r. o.
ISO/IEC 17065
• Certificate for the field of certification of construction products
Accredited testing laboratory
ISO/IEC 17025 • Certificate for the area of examination
Accredited proficiency testing organizer
ISO/IEC 17043 • Certificate for the field of organization of proficiency testing
Rerefence projects
Activity of the quality worker for the project: Rough landscaping for the strategic territory of Valiky.
Activity of the building technical supervision quality officier for the project: R2 Šaca - Košické Oľšany, II. section.
Renovation of Sliač airport - carrying out a survey of runway areas.
Technology of hot recyclation Remix Plus in the Slovak Republic.
Assessment of the current condition of the asphalt concrete seal of the upper reservoir of PVE Čierny Váh.
Activity of the construction quality inspector - Ring road of Brezno, II. stage.
Activities of construction quality inspector - Repair of expressway roads in the administration of SSÚR Nová Baňa and SSÚR Zvolen.
Quality control of cunstructions implemented as part of the CS BSK Road Revitalization project II. and III. classes in the districts of Senec, Pezinok and Malacky.
Performance of construction supervision for construction implementation: Reconstruction of roads II. and III. classess (repairs of road surfaces and related works) under the purview of BBSK.
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